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[C/C++] CMap 사용 예제 본문
원본 : http://blog.daum.net/aswip/6957183
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <afxtempl.h>
int _tmain(int argc, TCHAR* argv[], TCHAR* envp[])
int nValue = 0;
CString strKey;
CMap<CString, LPCSTR, int, int> m;
/* 1. add key and value */
m.SetAt("AAA", 111);
m.SetAt("ABC", 123);
/* 2. lookup key 'AAA' */
if ( m.Lookup("AAA", nValue) )
printf("find 'AAA' = %d\n", nValue);
printf("no such key\n");
/* 3. replace key and value */
m.SetAt("AAA", 333);
if ( m.Lookup("AAA", nValue) )
printf("find 'AAA' = %d\n", nValue);
printf("no such key\n");
/* 4. iterate map */
pos = m.GetStartPosition();
while ( pos != NULL )
m.GetNextAssoc(pos, strKey, nValue);
printf("%s = %d\n", strKey.operator LPCTSTR(), nValue);
/* 5. remove 'AAA' key */
/* 6. iterate map after removing 'AAA' key */
pos = m.GetStartPosition();
while ( pos != NULL )
m.GetNextAssoc(pos, strKey, nValue);
printf("%s = %d\n", strKey.operator LPCTSTR(), nValue);
/* 7. print map count */
printf("a saved number of key in map is %d\n", m.GetCount());
/* 8. remove all existing key pair */
printf("a saved number of key in map is %d\n", m.GetCount());
return 0;
[출처] http://blog.naver.com/mllmaster?Redirect=Log&logNo=130048724359
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